Friday, March 20, 2009


Shivery utter my vein, a parade
Pout black as Lucifer, intoxicating occupies the space; vacuum
What is it? Hum or Hush?

Dry laughter behind this mask; havoc
Big fat gown, a glass shoes hid those toe
Whom you address for?

You were there too, O my friends.
Offered me for thrill, it's them; it's you. You are they.
They own me as their claimed. What a shame.

Stakes down the hall, solid and tarnished
These fury gallop, hunger for black pit
This dance they bargain for. My blood.

It's my deed on the scale. My summary
I was baptised, I carried those commandment within me.
My shoulder burned; ashen

I hymn for your recovery
I listen to your moan in erased midst, not hear.
You discrete. I welcome you

In inches, I surely greet Hades Cerberus. What a nerve.
Ashes masturbating beneath my nostril, you spin me with rotten thread instead
You are shade, a shadow; A masquerade.

It's them; it's you. You are they-

Friday, March 13, 2009


Every one of us has their own "dateline" at the certain stage of their life. They have such of wonderful picture of sharing their life with loves one. And for those who already "submit" their entire life think otherwise. Isn't it funny enough?
As for me, I'll do the calculation first. So I am able to get equal. If my "dateline comes approach me, this is all I can wish for spouse.
I'll do the mathematics, you do the account book. Dolce la Vida!!^+^


Maiden names, complete the address
Mud coated, wild mustang

Sweet as unpeel peach when autumn knocking
Sensual posyen: Exotic flavour.

First Christmas gift with signature on it.
Bubble Crystal returns your courtesy: A favour.

Walking tree, the branches frown itself: Details
Hollow roots form a shelter, the birds sing: Harmony

Spread that fine Kashmir on the grass, flowers everywhere: its spring
Unknown creatures pay their visit: Excitement

Breathless skin, seize by sun. Toast till crust colour-
Corrupted with scars: Too sweet to deny-

A mirror: Reincarnation
Laughter and woes: Reflection courier.