Saturday, September 26, 2009


Walk along the shore: I've been
Stiff as cheap rug, freeze eaten my neck
Drift my Hawaiian toga in the air

Shelter in this world: Agony
Tickle my heart by love: History
Sour, bitter, sweet, I drink from bottle

I live in fairytale, once-
Pour poison thru my vein as wine,
Even Death fear to whisper.

I not Guru
My bare foot ashen, I couldn't.
I justify the constellation, Zeus furious.

Not Christ either.
I have no Holy Grail, I swear.
My hand not for curing, miracle distance.

But instead I know storm aroused my life: was
Tho I fright craving for the future
Deep inside, there is light upon me
Ordinary me, I reclaim myself.


Hand off that marble you fool
It was form with glass, not a fine sheet that you can burn
Those glasses easily burst not only tears

Why you eager like a brat
Off you dirty foot from neighbour garden
You cry. Hiss you

Hidden your thicken paw, you purr kitten
You bad kitten, I shove you with my witch stick
Mark your claw at those poor rats, they ready to crawl, hide and seek
Not me. You fool

Red big nose, you petrified clown
Stripes to pull your pants up, you shallow trendsetter
Pale face. Teasing geisha. Bad clown. Bad.

Big fat hat: a sack straw hat
Blunt become you rival, you not welcome.
Hiss you. I fancy those rattans, round as easily to mend
Tho he is wild, yet his nature shall be tame.

Friday, May 22, 2009


This vacuum room, an ice box.
They ripped my clothes that I only possess
Gamma ray seize, I barely hear what they say.
Yet, I just freeze and stare
Paralysed from surgeon's knife perhaps
And yet, it may supply what white gown looks alike: Lies-

Thursday, May 7, 2009


With stamp behold it

I hid it underneath the excitement courier

Soon its treasure your mails box, could you pin on your wall?

Permission its to hanging and swinging againts nail.

This portrait. It may looked dull but inhale

Yes. This one.

It appears not greater as Mona Lisa.

It carries paint and canvas claiming to be me.

Gold frame surrounded me proudly.

Of course he did. He wipes those faded coat.

I love it-

Allowed me to make you love it too.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Holy Land

Can you hear roar of trumpet
It's greeting you, neither me
Is it tough like thunder?
Is it too loud to be bear?
It does adrenalin you but not me.

That plaque, you bring to my Holy Land
Did you read the sign?
Did you wrap your feet with linen?
Nor shower with olive oil before entrance. I doubt it.
And those palm trees, you beheaded within your journey. O My

This Holy Land. My Holy Land-
10 strongest pillars meet every corner. Oasis everywhere.
Three rare emeralds surpass my sight. Locked in my chest.
I ask God to baptise them three. No exception.
I rolled the sphere. This foot company me, I sealed em'.

And you, shall I named you Nemesis.
You carry two sacks of you. It's delicate.
The plaque you bring, witness your defection.
Are they reward you with Barbarian flock?
Alms you ton promises perhaps. O My!

If it cost you joy? Then I bail myself.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Shivery utter my vein, a parade
Pout black as Lucifer, intoxicating occupies the space; vacuum
What is it? Hum or Hush?

Dry laughter behind this mask; havoc
Big fat gown, a glass shoes hid those toe
Whom you address for?

You were there too, O my friends.
Offered me for thrill, it's them; it's you. You are they.
They own me as their claimed. What a shame.

Stakes down the hall, solid and tarnished
These fury gallop, hunger for black pit
This dance they bargain for. My blood.

It's my deed on the scale. My summary
I was baptised, I carried those commandment within me.
My shoulder burned; ashen

I hymn for your recovery
I listen to your moan in erased midst, not hear.
You discrete. I welcome you

In inches, I surely greet Hades Cerberus. What a nerve.
Ashes masturbating beneath my nostril, you spin me with rotten thread instead
You are shade, a shadow; A masquerade.

It's them; it's you. You are they-

Friday, March 13, 2009


Every one of us has their own "dateline" at the certain stage of their life. They have such of wonderful picture of sharing their life with loves one. And for those who already "submit" their entire life think otherwise. Isn't it funny enough?
As for me, I'll do the calculation first. So I am able to get equal. If my "dateline comes approach me, this is all I can wish for spouse.
I'll do the mathematics, you do the account book. Dolce la Vida!!^+^


Maiden names, complete the address
Mud coated, wild mustang

Sweet as unpeel peach when autumn knocking
Sensual posyen: Exotic flavour.

First Christmas gift with signature on it.
Bubble Crystal returns your courtesy: A favour.

Walking tree, the branches frown itself: Details
Hollow roots form a shelter, the birds sing: Harmony

Spread that fine Kashmir on the grass, flowers everywhere: its spring
Unknown creatures pay their visit: Excitement

Breathless skin, seize by sun. Toast till crust colour-
Corrupted with scars: Too sweet to deny-

A mirror: Reincarnation
Laughter and woes: Reflection courier.

Friday, February 20, 2009


King card in my hands: Both

Gold cup on my table: Accessories

Older rum for my early hour: My breakfast

Freeze your distance, cuffed your tongue

My maiden fully masked: Velvet

Painted with untarnished frame.

I alarmed you,

Before middle pin squad at midnight

Merge your burden pass dewdrop

Don't waste them, be kind: Your tears. Your crown.

It is not disguise either: They are real

Shall be invisible like a ghost: Sightless

Be potent. Don't wake me up

I am a bloodsucker with sharpen knife.

The purchase tag valid still.

Steer those feet's. O wiser

Gravity still owes you. Flee.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Dim of light
Night falls: what make a different
My dog yawning in her bed pile of dust
What a day: should cross her mind by now
At least she copes the day: A jar of peanut
What about me? Yes me.

Victorian gown bargain itself,
Turf myself in bed completed the fee.
Odd music rushing thru my ears, murmuring.
My cystal eyes dealing with lids: Green
I defence the cold war: Myself

Wondering thought keep fast foward itself
If it's a privilege card, I might get discount.
Shall it be shoes with 5 inches each: Callouses.
28 of my knitted dresses, no guarantee.
Prisioner by my own: Insanity.

Awry minutes pass me by: Fast lane
I pray for mercy from the penalty
Embracing every corner of my made stone box
Drifted silent night, I walked away
Abandoned a pack of my worries behind.


No folded stick in my hand
I measured every step on the grid, and still. I swear
These feet wounded, I lost the calculation.
But wait...
Yet, not reach the black tunnel: Checkpoint.

Shall I buy a compass with metal needle?
Reliable antique man crafts, it's light.
First aid box as an advanced perhaps
It's guarantee

I run, I keep my eyes on the ground
It's cold, I am naked
I am terrified to stay overnight
Stray rat. Stay close a prey.
Locked their eyes on me. The Owls.

Where is the trail?
I promised I will follow. I am a man with my words.
This sight, you gave me. Remember?
I crawl once, my hands full of rare black roses torn
Violent stream: My blood. My flesh

I lost my torch again, more than twice.
The earth swallowed it, wicked me.
Caress me with your Midas touch: O My virtue

Monday, February 16, 2009


I can't believe myself. Right after I created my blog, miles away from my mind that am going to be addictive to "write, publish and exhale" methods. Seems like my blog keep calling me to write more. So, here we go...
Loaded the gun, six bullets full
Did you see white target or shall I called it black
Did your hand clean or rusty still
Untrustworthy enough to pull the trigger?
Shall I polish those weeping nails? O my lady
Wake up!..
Dressed up your shields, be armed.
Listen here you coward.
You walking corpse, empty souls-
Nail me with your charm as your claimed
Unchained me from this stone: O my
I am wise enough to sail the villain waves
Wind is my messenger still. Ask Columbus
Are you feeling alive now? Brand new
Hear me when I talking
Untouchable, pure like a virgin-
My voice is my correspondent. Permanent.
Every breath,
Every sound,
Every letters.
Thin as air molecule: A virus
No cure, no cure
I kneel for my communions
My penny in that white sacks too. You do the mathematic.
Eat my meal 3 times a day, loaf of bread sometimes.
Am already dead before midnight.
Yet, you stir and spill me on shattered plate.
I am lucky cat: nine lives to live
Hear me,
Get your tickets: line up


Who's knocking my door?

How dare you to frighten my dreams

I in pyjamas still, bed fragrant still coating me

Dark outside not decay yet, blank.

Why you here?

Don't reminds me about my late, about my punctuality

I eat breakfast since in my mother's womb

I steal her food thru daylight hours like a thief.

Now, my wrinkles please on my command

28 and 8 months to open the 29 gate.

I see black and white: beautiful

No wheel chair, I can hoop.

White line, the road

Vivid edges stand still, waving me

Hunger for the wrong pit stop. Vital

But before yellow turn red. I stop.

I cross the red light once, undo the history.

It coasts me white gown,

Freebies with my name on my wrist.

I oath myself.

This time around, the cooco sounds

My eyes open wide, points the green hill outside. It is beautiful

I can smell the soil, green grass beneath roots: moist but dry outside

Hurry this hands grab the apple from Eden garden.

Munch all in my mouth: A whim

But wait..Its void.

Shall i dump the apple mother?

Don't. You can make a pie.

Down on your knees, am a vixen. I survived

Pay me the visit 30

I am ready.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

About me

You can call me Sara Bann for those who may not know me or in her/his quest (if any) to know about myself. I create my blog with humble heart to share my interest with the rest of blogger out there.

Poetry is my life, my heartbeat and my music. Every time I let myself drown into it, i feel free and alive. I dance with her own rhyme in every single verses. My passion for poetry is so deep and genuinely since I was kid. Even if I die one day and resurrection will follow me, I wish God buried this passion in me still.
My piece of work is all about the amazing unseen things that revolving around my world, which i really glad and blessed for those wonderful things in my life. Although sometimes, I almost lost in this juggle world and drag the "hiccup" attention but I manage to make it as beautiful as i possibly could. Am afraid if my anger bails me itself one day, I'll forget what life is meant to be.
As we already know, life sometimes turned his back on us even though we hope for better surface. While we busy to embark history and to prove our existence in the world eyes, we blind
our self. " IF THERE IS NO TOMORROW TO REMEMBER, MIGHT BE NO PRESENT WILL ENTER". The more we hunger to unsolved the mystery of life, the more we found it fascinating things to explore.

Some of us feed their life with music, photographing and exciting things to expressed their feeling.
But me, myself, I rely on my poems to captured and memorised my sweetness and bitterness in my life so that I can breath easily. Consider this is my diary but form in poetry.
Together we embrace and cherish our beautiful life so that we'll never forget what life meant to be.^_^



My little red socks
I wish winter around the globe
No summer, no summer, no summer
I statue Mr Frosty
Pale as arrogant fat duke
Stuck with a Pinocchio nose

I woe that white dress
As veil hidden me, afraid if disgrace ahead
But where is my grandma's band?
Pawn shop?
In shallow drawer.

What is marriage
Eternity love vows: Wolf cry
A thin sheet turf in the end: A scroll
Written in blood, afternoon affair
Not i fancy, fancy me not.

I have nothing to offer
Gigantic bell echoing, I deaf myself
My flower girl nod each other nose, my nightmare
White satin shoe made me fragile
Fit my feet, and yet trim in my bride maid.